Something About ME =]


(31.03.2012) 时间重要,懂得如何安排时间更重要 :]

正在學習不去在意別人怎樣看我.. 別人說的是非,可以改就改.. 不能改就左耳進,右耳出.. 不聼閒言閒語的人才會成功!不讓別人操控自己,因爲自己也有決定的權利.. 加油吧!我能做到的!^^

我是2008年11月創立自己的部落格,而2009年才開始正式寫的.. 而11月和12月的全都是在1月的時候補寫的~

Saturday, October 10, 2009


28.09.2009 Monday

Holiday finish already~~ Need to back school..
Today, after woke, I feel very tired..
Still very sleepy.. And dont think that wanna go school~
But of course, I have to go too~ Haha^^
Today i go school by motor, dad fetch lah~ I still dont have license.. Hehe^^
Hmm then, When i go out.. Opposite the Restaurant Fei Cui there, I saw a people lying at there..
And two indian man standing beside, kicking him..
Omg.. So scary.. What happened there..?
And the man that lying on the grass, no feeling also~
The indian man hold his shirt, he just like a dead body..
Is that the 2 indian man kill him..? They fight..?
But impossible also gua..? If they really kill him then why they still standing beside him..?
They dont scare..? Oh no~~
I look like saw a corpse in the early morning.. OMG.. Very scary :s

Then, go school.. Still can imagine the situation that i saw just now..
I told my friend.. My friend also terrify..
Yerr.. First day open school then see this zz
Nothing can i do.. I just pray, hope that is not real~
Hope that man that lying there is just a drunkard..

Night, dad tell us that after he pick me to school and go back, the man already not there~~
What is happened there actually..?
The man dead..? Or not..?

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