Something About ME =]


(31.03.2012) 时间重要,懂得如何安排时间更重要 :]

正在學習不去在意別人怎樣看我.. 別人說的是非,可以改就改.. 不能改就左耳進,右耳出.. 不聼閒言閒語的人才會成功!不讓別人操控自己,因爲自己也有決定的權利.. 加油吧!我能做到的!^^

我是2008年11月創立自己的部落格,而2009年才開始正式寫的.. 而11月和12月的全都是在1月的時候補寫的~

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


大力呼..... 大力呼........


1. 大喊..

2. 去跑步
忘掉 忘掉 忘掉 忘掉
抛掉 抛掉 抛掉 抛掉

3. 吃蛋糕
大吃特吃.... 甜甜软软...

4. 吃冰
雪花冰 爱玉冰 什么冰都好.....

5. 喝茶
走走走 不要在家颓废发霉不开心就好


Dot Dot Dot

Fully awake at 10am today..
And the reason is been scare by someone by a message
that tell me result has released and ask me to go and check for it..
Seriously I almost getting heart attack on that time
It was so nervous and scary
First of all is because I know I did not did well in my exam
and even during presentation time, lecturer say the work is sucks..
This is for one of the subject..
And for another subject, I did not submit one of the annoyed assignment..
Well, I really scare when I open the result's website..

Once I click in to the result achievement page
First I will surely check my CGPA because I really scare for it
I saw my CGPA has drop
and then I proceed to see my result
I wonder why I was sad for it..
No fail... 
But only 1 B- and others all C...

It's almost fail.............
My Animation and Visual Effects Design 3 (AFX 3) get C..!!!!!!
Something I couldn't expect...
I thought at least I can get a B and above...
I think I set my expectation too high 
and it cause my mood sudden goes down from high like sitting in a roller coaster..

Previously I failed my AFX 2 because of the same lecturer for AFX 3..
She wants me to fail again is it..?
Seriously disappointed.....